Main Dashboard

A main dashboard is an outlook which shows aggregated data for the things of your organization. The potential of this type of view go further beyond what a dashboard for a single thing can do, since they are able to consider more than one thing at once and deliver precious insights into your things.

The main dashboard can be accessed with the Home button, but only admins can configure it for their own organization. Main dashboard button


When visualizing a dashboard, there is a plethora of widgets which can be used for displaying your data according to your needs. The specific steps which have to be followed to configure these tools can be checked in the Configuration section of the current page.

The basic behaviour of the widget types is straightforward to be understood for the majority of them, but some of them have extended features, namely drill-down capabilities. By drill-down, we mean a mechanism by which you can move from a comprehensive view to the specific detail you need. For example, by clicking on a bar of a histogram chart you can see which are the things which are meeting certain conditions and then, by clicking once again on one of the things which appear in a window, you can go to the dashboard of the single thing to inspect the state of the thing.

Different widgets may have different ways of interaction which trigger the drill-down feature. For the moment, drill-down can be activated by clicking on the expand symbol in the top right corner (if available) or when clicking on a bar or a slice in a graph.


The configuration of a main dashboard closely resembles the one of a detail dashboard, but there are some small differences which can be encountered while setting what will be shown in the resulting view.

For building a dashboard, adding a widget, editing a widget or moving widget around the dashboard builder can be done in the same way it is performed for a single-thing dashboard. Hereafter, we will instead present how to compose aggregation criteria for your main dashboard.

First, data aggregation can be divided into to two primary sub-categories:

Default metrics

As anticipated, default metrics provide information which is not strictly related to your organization's domain logic. In the following list the available default metrics are described:

  • Total number of things: the total number of things which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of online things: the number of things currently online which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of offline things: the number of things currently offline (but which have connected to Omnyvore at least once since their registration) which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of never connected things: the number of things that have never connected to Omnyvore since their registration which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of active things: the number of active things which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of outline things: the number of outline things which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard;
  • Number of suspended things: the number of suspended things which can be viewed from the user accessing the main dashboard.

If the widget allows it (e.g., a histogram does), you can combine more than one default metric in the same widget.

Search criteria

When selecting the "Search criteria" option, a box named "CRITERIA" appears. In this box, you can compose ad-hoc queries to run your aggregations on data stored in Omnyvore. First of all, you can start by clicking on the "ADD FURTHER CRITERION" button, after which you will be able to fill out your query by providing:

  • the Name of the criterion, which will be shown in some of the widgets available;
  • the Family of the things for which aggregations will be run;
  • a switch which has to be turned on only if you want to see data about the last version defined for the selected thing family;
  • the parameter for which aggregation will be run;
  • how to aggregate the single measurements collected for that parameter.

Furthermore, you can filter out some measurements by adding a filtering Condition in the area under the criterion you have defined.

If you want to also set a time filter for the current widget, set the time interval in the last box of the widget configuration window, which opens by clicking on the "TIME INTERVAL" stripe.

Some widgets feature automatic clustering, by means of which aggregated data can be automatically grouped with visual elements (e.g., slices of a pie chart). Automatic clustering can be done both on textual and numeric parameters:

  • textual parameters are automatically grouped by performing a case-sensitive comparison;
  • numeric parameters cause the user to select the number of divisions by which the interval will be cut. For example, if the minimum and the maximum values for a given parameter correspond to 0 and 100, selecting 4 as the number of divisions will generate four "buckets", respectively with the following ranges: (0, 25) - (25, 50) - (50, 75) - (75, 100).

Available widgets

Here is the full list of the widgets you can use in a main dashboard: