Things at work!

Here we want to define which information the thing is supposed to send us. For instance, we want to monitor the environment temperature and the fan speed of the wood stove.

Customize the information you want to receive

Open thing families list > Wood Stoves > PARAMETERS tab and click Add.

Fill the fields for the temperature parameter as shown in the image below, then click SAVE.

Repeat the same actions for the fan speed parameter, then click SAVE.

Click Channels tab > Add.

Fill the fields for the measurements channel > click SAVE.

Click DASHBOARDS tab > Add. Fill the fields for the dashboard as shown in the image below > click SAVE. Click widget > fill the fields as shown in the image below > click SAVE.

Test the transmission of the values

Now we can test the transmission of the values temperature and fan speed.

Click Things (vertical sidebar) > Wood Stove 001.

Click MANAGE > LIVE DATA tab > select and copy omv/aws/82340B8011C8/wst_1.0/wst000000000001/OUT/measurements.

If data is not received by Omnyvore (as in the picture above), MQTT.fx or an equivalent tool might be useful to check the format of the information sent from the stove to Omnyvore.

Open MQTT.fx > paste the text > Publish

Write a couple of values, separated by ;. The former value will represent the measured temperature, whereas the latter one stands the fan speed. For instance, write 2400; 3. Finally, click on Publish.

Don't worry! 2400 does not stand for 2400 °C, but 24.00 °C! This format is useful to get more precisely information about the the temperature. You need to edit the script of the single channel to improve the visualization of the values.

Open Wood Stove thing family > Click channels tab > measurements Switch on Script > Paste the text hereafter (which is written in Javascript):

var list = OMV.toString(payload).split(";");
var rawtemperature = list[0];
var temperature = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(rawtemperature)/100;
var fanspeed = list[1];
var now = new Date();
var timestamp = now.getTime();

var measurementList = new java.util.ArrayList();
measurementList.add(new Measurement('temp', temperature, timestamp));
measurementList.add(new Measurement('fanspeed', fanspeed, timestamp));

return measurementList;

SAVE Check wood stove 001 dashboard the new visualization of the value.

You may have to wait a few minutes before your Javascript actually is up and running.

Visualize the live values

Check the information on Things > Wood Stove to see live data arrive to Omnyvore.