SigFox Device Configuration

SigFox Callbacks

There are four differents types of SigFox callbacks that can be setted from the SigFox Database:

  • Data: This callback type defines the reception of a user message from a device.
  • Service: This callback type defines the reception of an operational message from a device.
  • Error: This callback type defines the communication loss for a device.
  • Event: The backend can automatically forward some events using the «callback» system. When a particular event is triggered, the corresponding callback is sent.

Setting SigFox Database

Once the device registration procedure has been performed, log into the SigFox Database and select the "Device Type" tab to view the device types list. Click on a device type Name to manage the device type option.

  • SigFox Callbacks: Click on the "Callbacks" section to view the callbacks list. To create a new callback click on the "new" button and choose the "Custom callback" option. callbacksList

  • SigFox Events: Click on the "Event configuration" section to view the events list. To create a new event click on the "new" button. eventsList

Create a new callback/event

There are some fields to fill out to complete the callback configuration:

  • Type: Set the callback/event type and subtype.
  • Channel: Enter the channel to define how the request will be forwarded.


"URL" Channel

Each message is directly forwarded in a single HTTP request to the setted URL pattern.

  • URL pattern: Enter the correct URL to use Omnyvore API (see the next section for the HTTP requests list).
"BATCH_URL" Channel

Messages are gathered together per callbacks, each line representing a message, then sent in batch using a single HTTP request every second.

  • URL pattern: Enter the correct URL to use Omnyvore API (see the next section for the HTTP requests list).
  • Line pattern: Configure the variables that will be sent for each device in the same batch url request.

Batch_URL is available only for the following callbacks: "Data Uplink", "Data Bidir", "Service Status", "Service Acknowledge" and "Service Repeater".

"EMAIL" Channel

Send an email with a subject and a message to the setted recipient after a device request.

  • Recipient: Enter an emails list.
  • Subject: Enter asubject (Subject ex.: Subject with device {device}).
  • Message: Enter a message (Message ex.: Message containing time {time}, key1 {var1}, key2 {var2}...).

Leave other fields as default for all channel types.

For more information about callbacks and events check out SigFox API documentation: callbacks and events.

SigFox Device Info

Select the "Device" tab to view the devices list. Click on a device Id and select Messages/Events section to view the requests history sent by the selected device.

DevicesList MessagesList